From zero to continuous compliance with Terraform, Ansible and Rudder
This post shows how you can get from no resources to a fully automated and continuously compliant infrastructure with code only.
Jarle Bjørgeengen
Former Chief Product Officer
This blog post will look at how we can build even further on
previously demonstrated concepts to create sets of servers that are
continuously monitored and kept in compliance using Rudder, a state of the art
configuration management tool.
Updated to fix an inconsistency on 2022-08-22
Read more
If you found this post useful, be sure to check out the rest of the series on using Terraform and Ansible for resource provisioning and compliance. In particular, you might also enjoy:
This blog post assumes that you use the open source Terraform CLI. Terraform CLI
is just a binary program that you download from the releases page,
for your architecture/platform. Here you also find checksums for the files to
verify their integrity.
Unless otherwise explained, all the examples presuppose that you put the code
in a .tf in a separate directory and run plan, init, apply and destroy
from within that directory. is mainly used as a convention for the file
name, but you can name it whatever you like as long as it ends in .tf.
A basic understanding of Ansible playbooks and inventories is also necessary.
Terraform introduction
Terraform takes plain text files with «HCL - Hashicorp Configuration Language»
as input and provides servers and storage as output. HCL is a declarative
language, i.e., it does not specify any actions to be taken but rather a desired
state - or outcome.
The idea that configuration languages should be declarative, and that
the agent should drive/converge real state into the declared desired state, has
become widely accepted over the last three decades and is based on ideas and
research by Mark Burgess during the early nineties and later.
Terraform providers
The superpower of Terraform comes from all of its providers. The Terraform
providers are binary extensions of Terraform that, as the name indicates,
«provide» resources of different kinds using the APIs of the cloud provider
reflected by the extension’s name.
These extensions do all the heavy lifting for the cloud provider APIs and
ensure that the actual state (the cloud resources) is converged to what is
specified as the desired state.
Terraform can be viewed as a desired state configuration agent for
infrastructure. Every time it is run, it will turn the desired state into the
actual state for cloud resources.
Reducing the level of «lock-in»
Terraform has tons of battle-tested providers available to use, thus easing the
burden of provisioning cloud resources from all kinds of cloud APIs within the
same (or different) configurations.
Let’s say you need resources in other clouds (or on-premise) for the same
multi-cloud or hybrid environments. Then you can do that using one Terraform
config, and you can even scale up and down the number of resources by changing
some variables in your Terraform code.
Terraform is cloud-agnostic and thus is excellent insurance that your resources
are as portable as possible, thus reducing the level of “lock-in” to a minimum.
Terraform is a powerful tool, and powerful tools can make
powerful failures if misused, so be sure to read up on documentation
and best practices to understand the nature of the tool before using it for
the important stuff.
Ansible introduction
Ansible is a suite of tools for orchestration and configuration management
mainly by using so-called playbooks. Playbooks are written in YAML and describe the
desired state for operating system properties like files, services, filesystems
and so on. It is mainly used for configuring Linux-based operating systems over the
ssh protocol, however, it can also be used for configuring windows operating
systems. In this post, we will show how to use Ansible to configure services on
a Linux based operating system (Ubuntu 20.04).
Ansible inventories
Ansible inventories are lists of hosts, groups of hosts, and variables for those
hosts and groups. Hosts and groups are used to tell Ansible where a certain
desired state (task) is applicable. When working with static hosts in a
data center, inventories are often also static textfiles maintained
manually or semi-manually. However, inventories can also be dynamic, i.e.
provided by scripts.
When working with OpenStack, it is possible to use inventory scripts that
queries the OpenStack API directly and produces a complete inventory of all
instances with metadata, all the group memberships and so on, but oftentimes
these scripts take a long time to run, and they generally need to run every
time you run a playbook, thus making playbook runs orders of magnitude more
time-consuming than static inventories. Also, they can put a heavy load on the
OpenStack APIs if the inventory is frequently queried.
Terraform and Ansible
It must be “Terrible” then ;-) ? Actually, it is not terrible at all.
Terraform keeps its own account of all objects it provisions together with
its metadata. This is called “state,” and it is stored in the local directory
where Terraform is run by default, in a file called terraform.tfstate. The
previous state version is backed up in the file terraform.tfstate.backup.
This means that most things you can query the API for, about your Terraform
provided objects in OpenStack will also be present in the local Terraform
state file. Hence, if we use a script that queries the local Terraform state
file we will benefit from the high-speed performance and no resource consumption in
the OpenStack API. This is precisely what we’ll showcase here. There is several
scripts/programs available for this purpose ( is your friend),
but we’ll use a simple python script developed initially by Cisco
Get started
In order to use it, copy or symlink the script somewhere convenient and
use the path as the --inventory option to ansible-* commands. If you
put the script in a directory, and use the directory name as --inventory, you
can also combine information from the dynamic inventory provided by the script
with static inventory files that further enrich or transform the dynamic
inventory. For instance, if you use an Ansible role or playbook that requires a
specific host group name, you can use a static inventory to define a new host
group that you choose the name of and specify a host group from the dynamic
inventory as children to the group you created, and then use that group with
your role or playbook. We’ll look at that in a later example.
Rudder introduction
Rudder is an open source configuration and security management tool.
It comes with a multi tenant-control plane for managing and monitoring groups
of nodes/agents in a central place. Because Rudder is built on the highly
efficient Cfengine core it consumes very little resources, is
blazingly fast, and scales from a handful of nodes to many thousands.
A short history lesson
Configuration drift used to be a problem in datacenters a long time before “The
Cloud” came along. Tools like Cfengine, Chef, and Puppet addressed this issue to
a large extent, by more or less continuously comparing the desired state with actual
state, and then converge the system into desired state by rectifying the
differences. You can think of configuration drift as mutations and configuration
management tools like the immune system that rectify the mutations, thus
creating stability and resilience from perturbations and security problems.
I.e. the analogy that servers are like pets that need to be taken care of over
their lifetime, which can be many years.
In the Cloud era, there’s a new paradigm largely described by the idea of
immutable infrastructure and that servers are like cattle: short-lived and if
there are problems we just rebuild the server from an image and rerun the
templating (once) to create the desired state.
However, after working some years with cloud technologies, and observing how
many people and companies use them, but there are quite a few gaps between reality
and the somewhat illusory idea of short-lived cattle servers (instances):
Because many companies are so focused on delivering new features fast, the
reality is that infrastructures are not short-lived at all, especially taking
into consideration the reduced time from deploying an updated system until a
new security flaw is discovered. This is especially true for virtual machines,
but even for containers, we find that many of them live for a long time and thus
experience the same problems as the pet servers from the old days. Considering
the poor software quality, hence the rapid detection of vulnerabilities it is
basically the same situation as before. Maybe it is even worse, because
containers and their orchestration introduce added complexity and hence larger
attack surfaces.
The good news though is that the tools to fix configuration drift are still
around and can and should be used inside cloud instances to close the gap
described above. This blog post illustrates how easy it can be to go from a
“fire and forget” world to a “continuous compliance” world.
You can choose to purchase a Rudder subscription support plan from Normation,
the company behind Rudder, in order to get predictability for product
development and maintenance and different support SLAs. Normation also offers
training and consulting regarding Rudder. Or you can choose to install and
support it yourself by means of the friendly souls at Normation et. al that
provides ready to use software packages, Ansible collection etc. for the most
common platforms.
The leading theme through this blog series is how to glue together existing
technologies to achieve a higher goal, previously, using the Ansible Terraform
Inventory (ATI) script to bridge Terraform and Ansible. This time we’ll take it
one step further and use Ansible with ATI together with an Ansible
collection maintained by Normation for installing Rudder
server and agents and bootstrap those agents to said server.
Installing and bootstrapping Rudder using Ansible
We’ll use the code examples in the Terraform module git
repo as a reference and explain each of them underneath the code.
Installing a rudder server and bootstrapping agents to that server
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.14.0" required_providers {
openstack = {
source = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack" }
}# Create a keypair from a public key.
# An openstack keypair contains only the public key. Thus a misleading name for it.
resource"openstack_compute_keypair_v2""skp" {
name = "hello-pubkey" public_key = "${chomp(file("~/.ssh/"))}"}
module interconnect {
source = "" name = "interconnect" delete_default_rules = true description = "For interconnecting servers with full network access between members, egress to the world and ssh from the world" rules = {
ingress = {
direction = "ingress" remote_group_id = "self" }
ssh = {
direction = "ingress" ip_protocol = "tcp" to_port = "22" from_port = "22" ethertype = "IPv4" cidr = "" }
module ingress {
source = "" name = "ingress" delete_default_rules = true description = "For ingress http/https traffic to the Rudder server" rules = {
http = {
direction = "ingress" ip_protocol = "tcp" to_port = "80" from_port = "80" ethertype = "IPv4" cidr = "" }
https = {
direction = "ingress" ip_protocol = "tcp" to_port = "443" from_port = "443" ethertype = "IPv4" cidr = "" }
module my_gw {
source = "" name = "" image = "ubuntu-20.04" network = "public" security_groups = [ "default",, ]
role = "rudder_server" key_pair_name =
module my_clients {
source = "" count = 2
name = "rudder-client-${count.index+1}" image = "ubuntu-20.04" network = "default" security_groups = [ "default", ]
role = "rudder_client" key_pair_name =
Here we create an instance that will be configured as a Rudder server using the
v2-compute-instance module with role=rudder_server. Then we create 2 rudder
clients/agents using the v2-compute-instance with count=2 and
role=rudder_client and attach them to the default network. The default network
is a private (RFC1918) network where instances can reach the Internet through
NAT via the compute host, for things like package installs, etc. However,
instances on this network can not be reached directly from the Internet,
We create two security groups: one «interconnect» security group where all
members in it have full connectivity to each other, and one ingress security
group that allows incoming (ingress) connections on ports 80/tcp (HTTP),
443/tcp (HTTPS) and 22/tcp (ssh) from the world. All instances are member of
the interconnect security group so agents can talk freely with the server, and
the server is also a member of the ingress security group so that it can be
reachable as a management host both by means of the Rudder web gui, and API,
but also as a bastion host for logging in with ssh and jumping further to the
clients wich is provisioned on a RFC1918 network not directly reachable from
the Internet. Lastly, we include the pre-existing default security group to
allow outbound (egress) traffic from all instances.
Safespring network
None of the instances have more than one interface. This is intentional. If you don’t know why; then please read the post on The Safespring network model
Confguration of the Rudder Ansible collection (requirements.yml)
In order to utilize the rudder-ansible collection we must install it locally.
This is done by creating the requirements.yml as shown above and running:
Here we reuse our previously defined role from the Terraform code as host
groups directly in the Ansible playbook, os_metadata_role=rudder_server and
os_metadata_role=rudder_client respectively. Note that we specify the
policy_server parameter of the rudder_agent role as IP address of the
server from the Ansible inventory of that instance (which in the end is
provided by the ATI dynamic inventory script).
Reachability of the client nodes
In order to reach the client nodes with ssh (they are on a RFC1918 network), the playbook must be run from an instance residing in the same Safespring site as the client nodes. If this sounds strange, please read the blog post about The Safespring network model.
Using Rudder to manage the desired state
This is a big topic and we’ll just go through the basics on how to get started and
illustrate the power of a tool like Rudder.
When the Ansible playbook is run, and the roles in it applied, we end up with a
Rudder server on the rudder-server instance, and Rudder agents on the
rudder-client instances. The Rudder agents are configured to use the IP
address of the Rudder server as their policy server through variable
policy_server: in the rudder_agent Ansible role. The Rudder server is started
with a self-signed certificate for the web GUI and API. These must be replaced
with valid certificates before taking the Rudder server into production,
obviously. Here we’ll just focus on a minimal proof of concept with no
production data so we choose to use the self-signed certificate and ignore
warnings for it when interacting with the Rudder server.
The Rudder server needs an admin user in order to set itself up for usage. This
is done by logging in to the Rudder server instance and running the following
root@rudder-server:~# rudder server create-user -u admin
New password:
Re-type new password:
User 'admin' added, restarting the Rudder server
After this, you can log in to the web GUI of the Rudder server on
https://<ip-address-of-rudder-server-instance> with the username and
password just created with the CLI. From here you can choose to either work in
the web GUI (which is quite good and user-friendly) or you can work through the
API or the rudder-cli tool which in turn uses the API. In any case, you need a
token for accessing the API and that can be generated in the GUI under
“Administration/API accounts”.
The two rudder-client instances can now be observed in “Node
Management/Pending Nodes” in the GUI. That means the two new clients/agents
need to be accepted by the policy server in order for the server to manage
them. You can do this in the web GUI by marking it and pressing the “accept”
button. When nodes are accepted they move from the “Pending Nodes” list to the
“Nodes” list.
If you click on a node in the “Pending Nodes” list, you get some more detail.
The “Node ID” is a unique ID for each node/agent. You can verify the “Node ID”
of the pending node by comparing it with the output of the following command on
the node/agent/client itself.
root@rudder-client-1:~# rudder agent info |grep UUID
UUID: c9e80279-00d3-4ee3-a7e1-8491955ebd3c
Or you can do it with the “rudder-cli” tool through the API as shown under.
Observe the list of pending nodes with rudder-cli and jq. (There is only
one node remaining in the pending state because the other one is already
From now on the two clients is under continuous management from the Rudder server
and verified every 5th minute by default. No actions are taken to configure
anything on the agent instances before you create rules for node groups.
Usage of Rudder to keep your instances continuously in compliance with your
policy (desired state) is a large topic by itself, and it is outside the scope
of this blog post. Head over to Normation’s Rudder page to learn more.
Table of contents
Table of contents
Safespring offers flexible and high-performance cloud infrastructure services.
Our Nordic solution provides you with the confidence that you can meet legal and regulatory requirements, such as GDPR, with ease.