Introduction to “Infrastructure as a Service” for managers

Overview and understanding from a management point of view enabling management and technical staff to form a common understanding.


Aimed for Managers with overall technical understanding but no expertise. Overview and understanding from a management point of view enabling management and technical staff to form a common understanding with regards to current situation, path going forward, long- and short-term targets, processes, methodology and strategy.


Beginner (with no or limited technical knowledge).

Who should attend?

CEO, CTO, IT Managers, Development Managers, Technical Managers, Line managers, top-level managers, etc.


1 day.


Safespring Cloud Infrastructure with OpenStack. Short introduction to Cloud Infrastructure with OpenStack with Safesprings cloud platform. You will first get a theoretical orientation of cloud infrastructure as a whole and then more specific about OpenStack. The day will end with exercises in Safesprings platform where your will set up some instances and an application in Safesprings platform.

These topcs will be covered:

  • What are Cloud Services?
  • Essential Cloud Characteristics
  • Different models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS)
  • Cloud Deployment models (Public, Private, Community and Hybrid)
  • Why Cloud Services now?
  • Virtualization
  • Storage on Compute nodes or in storage cluster
  • Instance and volume snapshots
  • Networking
  • OpenStack
    • Overview
    • Components (Nova, Cinder, Glance, Neutron and Keystone)
    • Different storage options (Block Storage, Object Storage)
    • Flavors
    • Networking setup in Safesprings platform
    • Security Groups
    • Key-pairs for access
  • LAB exercises – get to know the Safesprings Infrastructure services
    • Set up networking
    • Create or upload your keypair
    • Launching your first instance (frontend)
    • Setting up security groups
    • Launching your second instance (backend)
    • Deploying an application (Nextcloud)
    • Set up S3 as backend for Nextcloud
  • Q&A and discussions

How to apply

Let us know that you’re interested in the course “Introduction to “Infrastructure as a Service” for managers”. Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you.


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