All Safespring’s services have APIs to enable the user to use the services in a more automated fashion.
Compute API
Safespring Compute is built upon OpenStack which comes with an extensible API. The services that Safespring provides API access for are:
- Nova Compute. This API supports creation, deletion and modification of instances (virtual machines) in the platform.
- Keystone Identity. The API handles all identity handling and RBAC in the platform. This is the API to which a user login in order to get an authentication token which then can be used to subsequent calls to other APIs in the platform.
- Glance Image handling. This API handles images and snapshots, from which an instance can be created. The used can also use this API to upload custom images to the platform.
- Neutron Network. This API handles networking. Since Safespring is using the networking engine Calico, this API is restricted since not all operations can be done when using this networking engine.
- Cinder Block Storage. This API gives access to block storage operation such as creating and attaching volumes to instances.
Storage API
Safespring Storage support the S3 API. The S3 API is the de-facto standard for interacting with object storage services. The service is provided with the Ceph storage project, and the operations supported by the implementation can be viewed here:
Backup API
Safespring Backup uses the product Cloutility from Aawau. The API specification can be found here:
Get in contact with Safespring
+46855107370 or